Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

Do you have a toothache? You may need a root canal treatment. Our team offer root canal treatment in Atlanta, GA, to help heal damaged or infected root tissue and restore the function of your smile. Contact Peachtree Dunwoody Dental Group at (770) 395-7057 to learn more and schedule an appointment with our dentist to find relief.

Commonly called a root canal, root canal treatment is a type of endodontic therapy that is often recommended if the tooth pulp and nerves become infected or damaged. This may occur if injury or decay reaches deep into the tooth, past the outer enamel layer. When left untreated, this type of infection and disease may cause the tooth to die and necessitate tooth extraction. To restore the health of the tooth and avoid the need for extraction, our skilled dentist will remove the infected and injured tissues from within the tooth, clean the tooth, and fill it with a medicated material. We will then cap the tooth with a restoration, such as a dental crown, to return the tooth to its original shape and structure. In most cases, a root canal can be completed in only one or two comfortable visits to our office.

Root canal treatment has a reputation for being a painful treatment. In reality, however, root canal treatment can often be completed with minimal discomfort thanks to advanced techniques, tools and anesthesia. Our dentist and entire team work hard to provide you with a pleasant and comfortable experience each time you visit our office. To learn more about root canal treatment, we welcome you to contact us today. We are committed to restoring your smile’s health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does root canal therapy hurt?

Though root canal therapy has a scary reputation, it’s usually not painful. Most patients compare it to receiving a tooth filling. Our office uses advanced technology, local anesthesia, and we offer sedation to make sure you don’t feel any unpleasantness during your procedure.

How long does root canal therapy take?

Root canal therapy takes an average of 90 minutes to complete, but your individual experience may vary depending on the extent of infection, location of the tooth, and other factors. Sometimes, two appointments are necessary to ensure the infection is completely cleared out.

What is root canal retreatment?

Root canal retreatment is the treatment of a tooth with a root canal after a root canal has previously been done on the same tooth. Sometimes, a complex root structure or severe infection can make clearing out all the disease difficult. The infection can spread throughout the tooth again and must be removed.

What to expect on your first visit!